The World of donnerstadt

Web series and story by Liksaira Affinolla

The story takes place in a unforgiving, harsh world. Named Aegris. And mainly in a city, called Donnerstadt.
With many creatures, monsters and humanoids whom most have animalistic features. Ears, tails and other traits.
The globe is tormented by Disasters, conflicts and occasional wars. Where settlements are fighting for their very existence against these devastating events, weather conditions and environments. They consist mainly of moving cities in varying sizes, especially in the great wastes. In places where disasters are more tame or may not happen at all, you can find capitals and other big and old settlements. The closer you are to the equator, the frequency of disasters increase.
The wastes are dwelled by outlaws, rogues and criminal organisations, but it is mainly a place for mining. Given that they have the highest concentration of the crystalized distopium, used as fuel. In order to avoid the destructive forces of disasters humanity invented and built these moving megastructures that can traverse almost any kind of terrain and move somewhere safe in the time of need. Themselves becoming natural disasters in a way.
These Disasters were brought upon themselves by the discovery of a highly energy efficient crytallized fuel, called Distopium. And its overuse without knowing or just ignoring its side effects, not just on the human body, but on their whole globe. Distopium might have erased humanity's dire fuel shortage, but it costed far greater.
The Distopium in most of its form pollutes the air, forming lethal tornados, burning hot fogs, crystal rains. And most importantly casusing unexplainable anomalies and phenomenons.
It got into the ground, growing crystal formations that tore apart the ground and even harder layers. In it's crystal form it drains its environment or host of energy, storing it and expanding itself. When it dissolves into water it becomes undetectable until it settles and starts to growing again, forming new crystals. With the whole planet polluted, it took only some time for the infection to widespread, and supernatural side effects to appear. Nowadays there are ways to prevent infection.
Distopium infection alters the body. Slowly turning it into crystalized distopium. The rate depending on exposure and immune system. It acts in symbiosis with the body while killing it. Releasing energy back into the system in crisis or during heavy strain on the body.
The biggest mystery of all. In some cases, in individuals or in their offspring a very rare and strange phenomenon may occure. Which many believes is the resurgance of ancient, forgotten magic. A force that disappeared in this technology oriented world. This theory is highly debated and viewed as a joke.
This phenomenon, to put it simply. Most of the time makes the individual have the supernatural power to conjure the armament and gain the attributes of a once used combat vehicle or plane. Gaining superhuman durability and strength, depending on their original counterpart. In somecases thes possess even more rare and strange abilities. Using these will lead to their infection to progress faster.With these features, it's not surprising at all that the militaries around the world and other groups took an interest in them, despite how badly infected people are viewed and feared. They started gathering them either willingly or by force. Many remained in solitude or formed their own isolate groups to travel. On some they conducted research, ethical and unethical. Studies show that 96% of those whom developed or born with this 'mutation' are female.Later on they labbeled/named these people as "Armtagio", a made up word from the Veran (Latin) 'armatus' and 'contagio' word. Meaning something like "Infected armour" or "Infection of armour". Scientist all over the world tried to find an explanation for this whole phenomenon, all of them failed so far. Only the theory about it being magical in origin remained. But that is not considered to be anything.Not much later a cooperative effort was made by many major nations to create a place, a platform where they can store and give special training to the Armtagio. And also study their properties. This was the birth of the Donnerstadt Project. A fully selfsustaining autonomous moving city that is made up of many districts. The city is governed by the Director Council of Order as a stratocracy. With their leader Major Director Haselott.
The city acts as a living, training and educational place for the Armtagio and other infected, either civil or military personnel and their family. And other residents whom was accepted citizenship into the city. Housing many facilities, amenities and academies for each major nations and other invited ones. These academies are cooperating with each other and also rivalising in order to boost development of their soldiers. Regularly holding "Battle Simulations" against each other in order to train the Armtagio and other to prepare them for the missions that they will carry out under the flag of Donnerstadt. The simulations takes place in a high tech arena that allows the simulation of many terrains and conditions. Reducing the damage taken by living entities inside. All powered by distopium. Developed by a somewhat shady organisation. Lunar Labs & Technologies. The very company that "discovered" distopium. The simulation area lets the Armtagio to not hold back with their power.
If we look aside all of the serious stuff that is going on in the city. We can see Armtagio and residents having decent life in the city, where they don't lack of many things and have time to form relations and friendships. An almost safe place.
Far from the hatred that they would recieve from ther former neighbors, friends, family and home.


Discover the world of Donnerstadt!

Definitions & Explanations

Notable Places & Landmarks


These man-caused disasters differ a lot from the "normal" natural disasters of the past. Very much a deadlier force and they come in many forms. Like as burning hot fogs, crystal or fire rains. As large destructive crystal formations in and on the ground or as high speed, fragmented tornados. Or strange happenings and anomalies. Just to name a few. All these new threats are caused by the "discovery" of Distopium. By its overuse and its effects.
No one knows how it came upon this world exactly. But what is clear that is mankind had to adapt to this new hostile world and that's what they did.

Distopium [Di]

A very strange resourse and substance. With great energy and fuel potency. Discovered by a great man in the dark depths of Aegris. There harvestation of this resource caused mankind's rapid development and advancement, right after the Great War. So rapid that in some places the difference was like sky and earth. But all of this prosperity came with a great cost. It was too late when its effects and other properties on the body came to light. By that point this substance fueled most of the world. And it was used in many sections of industry.The use of it pollutes the environment and like a disease, forming ever expanding clusters of crystals that tear apart the ground and killing nature. These are then mined to continue the consumtion.The exposure to Distopium caused strange phenomenons like the violent 'Disasters' and the infection. The latter one had it's own supernatural mutation in rare cases. The Armtagio.
Even with the knowledge of the its effects humanity has to keep on using it. Causing a never ending cycle.
Although there are efforts already made to decrease the dependency on the material. And to develop an anti-distopium element.

Moving cities

Sometimes called as Waste Crawlers. These huge machineries are the new way of cities and living. In order to counter the new disasters of the world, humanity built these moving settlements. Given that they can move in a degree, they can and try to avoid these destructive forces. Some move with giant wheels, some with tracs, or by any other means. Fueled by the very thing that caused the fall of the world, Distopium. For this reason all cities have huge drills, to mine the formed crystals in the wastes. Most crawlers belong to a nation or and organization. But there are autonomous cities that are don't belong anywhere. These rogue cities are mostly just small platforms. Other than the one, and legendary Dawnbreak. The biggest rogue moving city. Most of the nation are made up of these cities, but in places where disasters are weaker or non-existing are grounder cities, mostly capitals. These are reminders of the old world.

Distopium Infection

It's a symbiotic disease.
Once inside the body. The Distopium particles settle and slowly start to form crystal clusters. These then grow by absorbing minerals and other components of the body. Storing energy within. The growth of these of course causes constant pain, varying in severity.
With time they will protrude outside and start to slowly expand across the body surface. When the host suffers a great loss of energy, either by damage to the body or exhaustion or a great feat of strength. It releases its contents and energy back into the body and the crystals may even partially dissolve as well. This slows the process of crystallization of the whole body, but it brings danger. Where the crystals dissolve, it can cause internal and external bleeding.
Individuals may burn their energy intentionally, but it requiers caution and active medical observation is adviced.
The general side effect of the infection is that it lessens the restrictions of the bodys muscle structure. Giving more physical strength to the host. But this may lead to broken bones and other internal fractures, tears. On the other hand the release of energy by the clusters can lessen the damage. In short it grants you above human strength but with a contant risk.This doesn't scare the military organizations throughout the globe though. They do like to recruit from the numbers of infected, because of these traits. Like increased carrying potential, ability to use heavier equipment and armaments.
By becoming a soldier, at least in major nations. They will be treated as any other human being. Which fate is better than what would wait for them in general. They would face the fear and hate of the people whom ostracized them just because they were unlucky. Even if it's proven by many studies that it cannot spread from person to person. But this doesn't mean that they won't suffer mistreatment.
The more rare effect and unexplained phenomenon of the infection are those who we call the 'Armtagio'. Whom possess superhuman strength and durability. Literal tanks in more ways than one. In the Armtagio the infection works a bit different than in regular infected. The more severe the infection the stronger their powers and special abilities become. But it greatly hinders their life span in return. And given that their body can endure more than the average, they can reach the stage that no ordinary human can. They would die, but not the Armtagio, these poor souls doomed to be go insane in most cases. Before they perish and turn into crystal. Retaining the form of the host, like a statue.


Perhaps the most astonishing effect of Distopium. A rare occurance and mutation in those who were contaminated by it or in those whom born from infected parents. Some even thinks this condition unlocks the ability to tap into a power like magic, which's knowledge and undertsanding faded into history over time.This supernatural, inexplicable phenomenon causes the person to possess the this magical like power to conjure and wield the armaments of Great War era combat vehicles. Some cases even recorded post-war vehicle appearances.These people possess great destructive force and superhuman strength and durability. These traits effectivity depends on the original vehicle's properties. Because of this they are viewed as an even greater threat by commoners than the regular infected.In them the infection acts a bit different. The more severe the infection the stronger their powers and special abilities are. But it greatly decreases their life expectancy and not to mention the risk of what the consumtion the clusters under great strain may lead to. Their body can endure a lot, but this also causes the infection to drag out. Causing more and more pain until they go insane or and after fully crystallizing. Retaining the shape of the person. In some cases they will be used as fuel, just like any other cluster of Distopium. But the morality of this is highly debated.Same as in the way of regular infected. Militaries view them as great assets and each country or organization tries to collect as many of them as possible.
By international as an Armtagio you have to be registered, or else even your existance is illegal. Those who are not, are called rogue Armtagio. These souls either become criminals, or join an organisation somewhere. Good or bad. And some are able to live in peace, either alone or in groups.


The collective effort of many nations to create a platform where they can efficiently train, observe and store the Armtagio and other infected. This has been named as the Donnerstadt Project.The city is governed by the military as a stratocracy by the Director Council of Order. With their acting figure, Major Director Haselott. She who has many years of experience in military and in leadership. Having connections in many positions and being part of the project from the beginning. There couldn't be a better person to oversee this project.Built as a huge waste crawler city or more commonly named, a moving city. In size and infrastructure rivaling the great capitals of the world.Boasting four districts for the mostly infected population. The Academy District. Where the school buildings and relative structures located. Each nation has it's own representative military academy or organization. The Amenity District. With all the need entertainment, shops and facilities where students and residents can get their needs and the possibility to take part in many experiences. Also hosting the buildings for art, music, literature and other cultural needs. The City District. Which includes all the housings, commercial and industrial buildings, The place where the relatives of students and they themselves reside in. Alongside the operating staff whom has a separated place to live in. And finally a Forest District. Which is, literally a fuctioning forest. A shining jewel in the wastelands. With a working ecosystem not much work needed to maintain it, other than contain it.The way of how this city moves makes it a natural disaster of its own. By its sheer size alone. Each step of it, either in crawler or wheeled mode. It tores, punctures the ground. So it can only move in wastelands, desolate places. So in order to perform their duty. They use aerial and other vehicles to transport and resupply. The size of their aerial fleet helps a lot in this case.Under the belly of the moving megastructure are the biggest distopium reactor in the world. Which is required to supply this never seen before giant. Around it are the factories that produce the parts and material to constantly repair the structure.Donnerstadt as a whole acts as a separate entity from any nation or organisation. It's main priority is to lend help to local forces and governments. In rescue, evacuation, escort and peace keeping missions. Carried out by armed personnel and Armtagio. Under the name of Donnerstadter Disaster Detachments. They use terrestrial and aerial vehicles to deploy to FOBs or into the heat from the Mother Base.The other duty of theirs is to fight criminal and terrorist organizations. These are the one with the biggest risk a lives lost of personnel. And unfortunately often these organizations operate during and adjacent to disasters.
Armtagio maybe literal tanks, but they can be harmed by heavy duty means. And especially by other Armtagio. Which these organizations also like to deploy.
In any way, life here is highly better than most in this wrecked world. Some infected even calls it "Paradise". Compared to what they had and had to face, this statement is very much understandable.
Some vocal people even say that it's unfair for the infected to enjoy even a fraction of this. It is true that they have better living standards. But they face and face many hardships. Caused by them, the populace, disasters, their foes and mainly their death looming above them nonstop.

Battle Simulations

Battle Simulation is a high-end experimental technology that can simulate most environments and conditions. With the greates effect, higly reduced damage caused to living beings. This way there's no much worry about the safety of participants. This technology, at least to this scale can only be found in Donnerstadt, more precisely in the Donner Arena. Provided and invented by Lunar Labs & Technologies. Not much know about it how it works, given the high secrecy of the organization. Very handy for Academies to field train their students in the best way.

Donnerstadter Disaster Detachment

Sometimes referred to as DDD as an acronym or the "triple Ds". They are made up from seasoned Armtagio. But students participate as well from time to time to gain actual field experience. These are not standing units, but assembled before or during disasters from marked Armtagio and chosen students. Their job is to rescue and subdue any threat to citizens. They are one of the main form of how Donnerstadt aids in times of disasters.

Scarlet Order

A militaristic organisation made of infected. Created after the Fall, they gathered large amount of members. And they are considered to be a force to recon with. Their views are borderline extremist in some ways. Viewing non-infected as their enemy. But they are mainly focusing on protecting and recruiting infected and fighting for their rights. Most of the governments of the world have declared the group as terrorists, due to their sometimes extreme measures and going against their agenda. They are usually present at the time of disasters to protect and rescue the struck infected.
On the surface they carry honorable ideas, that they aim to achieve. But given home much hatred and anger is accumulated within the group given the general treatment of infected and what their member have to endure. When these go wild, it causes tragedies and atrocities. Though, it seems this doesn't really bother their leaders.


Unde is a hyper-adaptable species and one of the most ancient on Aegris, alongside of the likes of Lepulope. They are considered to be the original race that most race have evolved from to today. These descendants are not considered as Unde.
But there are a few races that retained the purity more or less. Their main feature is their long pointy ear, typical for all Unde kind. Of course there are the ("purebred") Unde, that sports long life span, slightly darker skin tone and possessing affinity to ancient magic. Which is not scientifically proven.
There are the Draco. Having features like the mythical creatures, Dragons. Like scales covering some part of their skin, leathery wings, thick tails, horns and a very long lifespan. Hovever barely any of them remain today, due to a plague that rendered their whole population infertile a thousand years ago. They now reside hidden in mountains across Aegris. Most of them inside the Sanctus mountain range, near the capital of the ancient Rho'Mel Empire, Lunam.
Living under the few remaining large bodies of water, are the Nympholia. Adapted to life underwater. But they still breathe air and can walk on land. Having similar features to the Draco. Like some scales and tails.
The have protective a layer on their eyes and great vision to see clearly. All their limbs are webbed, ideal for swimming and agility under water. Their tail and long ears are webbed as well. The remaining few population reside in underwater cities and structures that have various protective layers from reinforced glass materials. Most of these settlements are connected to the surfaceland via tunnels or other structures floating on the waters surface.
There are other of the Unde kind, but either they are obscure, or already faded to time.





Notable Places & Landmarks
In Donnerstadt

Events of the World

Desert Fox Library

Under Pz.III J library director's supervision, this place is perfect for honing someone's militaristic, tactical, strategical knowledge! Or just to have fun reading anything and meeting up with friends. BE SILENT!

Stuka's Karaoke bar

As she always likes to say: "Sing your heart" Here you can sing your problems away, you can give in to your feelings. Also just to have a good time while drinking light alcoholic beverage and singing. It's a remote part of the Semovente Theatre & Opera building

Voroshilov Gym

If you want to become physically strong or to be just healthy, this place is for you. With the city's best personal trainer, KV-2! Of course if you can with stand her seemingly brutish ways. But when you get into it, she's able to transform you into your desired form. Also a good company just don't say anything that would make her mad. If you do... "RUN" I would say but there's no way of escape. Pray for salvation.

Semovente Theatre & Opera

Provides a bit more cultured way of entertainment and place for those who bear love for literature and stage plays! Here you can watch wonderful plays and musical performances powered by self-propelled mechanism and many talented individuals.

Stu Gallery of Art

Here you can find many art pieces mostly made by students. The students can actively perfect their art in the many rooms and tools of the gallery. Featuring all kinds and types of art, this place contains the artistic aptitude of the city's residents. This facility is smaller than most, but it is heavily supported by the academies. Runned by Kaplar StuG III G, a student of Eisenhase Akademie.

Donner Arena

The most important land mark. It's located in the middle of the city. A dome shaped gigantic stadium.
Here the academies hold battles against each other. The teams consist of the students whom to their best abilities try to overcome the other with non-lethal arms and tactical excellence. The field, which is usually called "The Map" is the battle ground for the student in the centre of the stadium. The map is equipped with newest pioneer technology which allows the simulation of many terrains and environments, provided by Lunar Labs & Technologies. The Map's diameter is around 1 km. This gives a great combat experience to the students, also good entertainment for the audience through out the Battle Simulation.

Rest' Orant

Is place to have the greatest meals in the city. And it not just provides good food and drinks, but also music. Performed by students from Semovente. Besides all of that it also functions as an Inn. Said to have the comfiest beds in the city. There's a rumor as well, but it's more like a fact. That they can see Director Pz.Bef.Wg.IV. J frequently visiting the place, not to eat or drink, but to the spend the night in a VIP room. StuH 42 G Also loves to visit this place regularly.

Locust Amusement Park

Best way to spend the weekend. With providing many kind of activities and experiences this place is very popular amongst students. Runned by the "Annoying" M22, a student of Hawkland Union Academy.

Sturer Shooting Range

You like cannons? Guns? Then this place is for you. Better you skills and accuracy under the guidance of A.S.A President Tiger H1. With her abilities you'll be a force to be reckon with in no time. Founded by Principal Sturer Emil, but now operated by Tiger H1.

The City Centre

The place where festivals and other big public event are held. If there's not a festival taking place you can find many stands and a market as well. There are many benches and other sitting places where you can have a great conversations. With a beautiful fountain in the middle of the square and a park area too on the sides. Also in some more hidden and dark parts of the centre you may find some shady shops, stands. Like Asha's illegal armshop.


The only arcade here. It offers many kind of games. Aside from arcade machines and usual arcade stuff, there are other options as well. Like the PC section and VR section. All the machines and pioneer technology is provided and maintained by Lunar Labs & Technologies

Tower of Research

The residence of Lunar Labs & Technologies research organisation. Not much to be know what goes on in the building.

Forest Distrcit

It takes up one quarter of Donnerstadt itself. Boosting a fully self sustaining ecosystem. This green patch is very conspicuous in the desert waste surrounding it. Some part are restricted due to dangerous animals. The places offers a way to experience an actual forest, which are hard to come by. Students and other residents like to take a stroll, have pic-nics, or camp out in it. The Academies also use it for occasional field training.











Events of the World

Nations & Countries

The Great war

Humanity's greatest and bloodiest war so far. Most importantly, pointless. It happened about half a century ago. The globe back than wasn't as dangerous and wasted as now. The war broke out as a power show off between the heavily industrialized Kingdom of Adlerrück and the large Zima Federation. Soon evolved into a world wide conflict with many lives lost. There was no winners in truth. During the war new innovations rise. Discoveries into the unknown. Many many things that opened new ways to kill one an other. Nonetheless these new technologies and innovations led to the rise of the quality of living after the conflict ended. Testing with the back then yet unnamed Distopium has begun during and after the war.

The Fall

The fall refers to the period when humanity first had to face the sudden consequences of their new found power source. In this time interval nations and society collapsed as they knew it. From the ashes new nations and organisations rised whom lead humanity into a new era. Into an era that they somewhat could called "managed". At least they found ways to fight against this new, harsh world.

Night of Vanishing

This mysterious phenomenon occurred in the tundra and north regions of the broken world. Mainly in the territories of the Collectiv of Eternal Twilight Cities [CETC]. Many moving cities and a few stationary settlements have vanished whole along side their residents without a trace. Not even the direct survivors know what could have happened during that disastrous night.
They speculated it might have been a new type of disaster. "What else could have done these seemingly supernatural disappearances?" This event cast many into poverty. Many meeting their end by starvation or by the hand of others. Rogue armtagio posed big problem during this event. Ransacking and murdering many helpless survivors. DDD operators and CETC forces arriving late to many.







Nations & Countries

Grand Empire of Honovere [GEH]


Collectiv of Eternal Twilight Cities [CETC]


United Domains of The Never Setting Sun [UDTNSS]


Free Republic De Gaul [FRDG]


Hawkland Union [HLU]


Monjärviä League [MÄL]









Academies could be called factions in a way. Each of them are funded by and representing a Nation. They are mostly friendly towards each other, but there's visible rivalry too.
This is especially true for students.

Eisenhase Akademie

Representing GermanyThird biggest academy. They are know for their innovative military technologies, research and tactical genius on the battlefield. Their students are no the fittest, but their equipment makes up for the mobility reliability issues and makes them a great force. They tend to be very serious and organised. Hard to party with as students from AAFA like to say. Held as the most prestigious school with the most capable students. Although, experience shows that they are not the greatest when it come cooperating with another academy's team on their side in multi-academic battles. Said to be "the worst teammates".

Azure Arctic Fox Akademiya

Representing the RussiaThe second biggest academy, but they have the most students of all. Coming from a winter tattered place, they are hardened students, seen to dress in usual cloths even in cold times. They tend to be unorganised, cold and sometimes easily irritable. Students of other academies tend to fear them due to their seemingly cold, scary and brutish look. But once you get know them, they are the best people to hang around with, also pretty reliable. Unless alcohol is involved...
Even though they doesn't look like it, they are really fond of music, poetry and art. They frequent the many institutions of art, when they are not in a bar or any place where you can drink.

Hawkland Union Academy

Representing the USAThe biggest school when it comes to land size and wealth. Their students are mostly average, and even looked down upon sometimes. Even though having the biggest pool of resources, it does not show in the performance of their students. But this all does not influence the mood and spirit of the students. Said to have the highest moral of all. The freedom of their students might be one of the factors for the performance as well. The school's rules are bit more loose compared to the others'. They have a lot of place where they can have many kind of food inside the academy building. They might seem uncaring for duties but they are great in improvisation and adaptation to the task at hand. Also they really like to party as well, and said to be the best host for events.

Turúl Institution of Innovation

Representing HungaryFocusing more on general research and innovative technologies than military excel. Even though they are a small academy, they are significant for their inventions and work. Once operated in a bigger school building, but had to move into a smaller one due to financial issues. A students are really friendly towards outside people and welcoming, but tend to have a lot of fight with their school mates. Many student spend their time with researching, few with military exercise. Due to the long nights they usually suffer from the lack of sleep. Their overall moral for combat is below average, they don't even participate in Battle Simulations as much as every other school. Although there are students who wants to restore the old glory days of the institution. Some with power, some with science.

Lucet Praeteritum Academia

Representing ItalyFamous for their gourmet kitchen and glorious old days. Once been the biggest school around, now down to a decent size. Like Turúl Institution they are not very keen for militaristic ways. Still they are bigger in scale. The students mainly enjoy art, cooking and making dishes, next to their classes. Even tho not being best in combat. There are times and situation when they can shine brightly. They are the main staff at several food establishments, even in the arena, They can have their fill of experience and the joy of cooking, while getting instant and pleasant reviews on their makings. Along side of cooking they like to participate in other arts. Like painting, sculpting.

Everday Academy

Representing BritainOnce backed by a huge empire, now by a hollow shadow of it. Always been at the lead of everything until rival academies risen in power. Still being in well renowned and prestigious school. They don't lack in everything. Their strength in military wise is on par with the strongest. Although, they very often use force, to get their way. The institution itself and students alike. Tend to solve things diplomatically if possible. They are really good talkers, either in an everyday way, or on a higher degree. If you are an introvert, then think twice before getting close to one. They will draw you in, and loosen you up. Though, this could be a good opportunity to escape the shell. Whenever it come to the point that speech can't solve, they will use everything at their hands in order to achive their goal. And even if they are beaten badly, their spirit only gets stronger. But in general they are just fancy people with stylish, elegant clothes and having a fondness for tea.

Sang Bouillant Académie

Representing FranceOn part with Everday, and also sharing their flaws. But they differ in personality. Their boiling blood never seems to calm. They a very hot headed and always push to their goals with might and with full belief that what they are doing, is right. Not the best when it comes to battle performance, but defeat never really phase them. Most of their defeats are them surrendering anyway. The enemy can't defeat you if you give up before the disaster, ain't it? They are very social in general, just like Everday students. Although they tend to keep the number in a few. They don't, they like to gather in big groups. Usually pretty fun but nonetheless unique people to have around.

Gensou Gakuin

Representing Japan

Werebears Akatemia

Representing Finland

Dragon Turtle Xueyuan

Representing China

Stor Vargheim Akademi

Representing Sweden and Norway

Wasteland Conqueror Institute

Representing Israel and Middle East


Academic Students Assembly

A student organisation in order to keep the students safe and in order. Conducting events, festivities, joint exercises. The representatives and presidents from each school work together to ease any tension between students, and between academies. They hold assemblies in order to hear the students opinions on matters through the representatives. The members are exceptional students in one way or another and other officials. Each school has one ASA president and representatives for each class. Some people do think that they are the third big power in the city right after the Director Council of Order [DCO] and Lunar Lab & Technologies [LLT].

Director Council of Order

Is the governing body of the city. Their authority is absolute. For the good of their students and other residents obviously. It consist of the Principals of each academy and other representatives of important institutions and organisations. Like Lunar Labs & Technologies which organisation is the most influential of all. Their focus is the development of the Donnerstadt Project and keeping this managed environment as intended. The environment for military training, research, co-operation and everyday life.
On the high seat is the sleep deprived Major Director Haselott. Who oversees every detail about the city and its differing organisations. Hence the lack of sleep

Renegade Military Company

A group of Armtagio and other people with combat experience and military background. Led by Chief Leutin (Leopard 2A6). The group is a private military company based in Donnerstadt and funded by the DCO. Their main task is to aid in Disasters and perform high risk, long-term missions. They gathered their main force through selection of rogue Armtagio candidates. With thorough background checks and individual skill-talent survey.
With many kinds of people, faces and histories, they are a pretty colourful group. Mostly acting independently based on their established principals, but they must heed the orders of the DCO, and Major Director Haselott

Lunar Labs & Technologies

A very secretive, some would say shady organization. Dealing with research and innovation. Producing the most advanced technologies in the past few decades. This made them a very recognised organization. Not much know about how they are coming up with pioneer innovation after the other. But so far it only served the well being of humanity, on the surface. Lunar Labs was the one to introduce Distopium to the world and starting the Fall. They have a big branch residing in Donnerstadt. Where they are posing as a very influential entity. The organisation also entered into joint research with the local research organisation and school institution, the Turúl Institution of Innovation.
Employing their own personal military company. The New Moon Group or NEMO. Equipped with the latest equipment, manufactured by MOONROCK Industries, a child company. The PMC group ensures the safety of personnel and property of LLT.

Stahl Nachrichten

The Dominating newspaper in the city of Donnerstadt and in many connected nations.


Legion is a movement / organisation that fight for the rights of the infected. With any means. It consists of many sub-groups.It is lead by the Round Table of the said groups' leaders and the head of the movement, Mephisto. They are considered as a terrorist organisation by many nations and entities. This is due to some more radical groups of the organisation. Their leader on the other hand tries to keep the organisation true to their original ideals. Freedom, safety and rights for the infected. Over the years the movements became more and more radical due to members and the attitude of nations towards infected. It is very much spread out, being present in cities', capitals' underworld. Recruiting from infected refugees and volunteers. When ever there's a disaster, they are present in one way or another.

Web Comics

Feel free to browse the comics of donnerstadt!
You can find written versions of most.

They are not yet available

Short Comics


Character Intro Stories

Short Stories

You can commission me to create characters (like the "moe-fied" vehicles, the Armtagio) for you, etc. Or to draw an already existing character(s). Any character from media, or even your oc. Female and humanoid characters are preferred. Furry and NSFW art is okay ofc. I have the right to refuse requests if I deem so.
You can also commission me to make draw and rig you a 2D Vtuber model.

To commission, contact me through my twitter: @ALiksaira or [email protected]INFO:Payment through PayPal, in USD. Either all in front or split in half in front and rest after delivery.
For Vtuber models the rules are same as for any other art.
Humanoid and female characters preferred. Furry like characters are fine.
NSFW request is acceptable within reason, and I have the right to decline too inappropriate stuff, like criminal kinks or fetishes.
Feel free to request Nude and suggestive art. But it comes with extra fees on top of the set price.
I prefer to do simple backgrounds, if really desired I may try, with some extra fees, depending on complexity.
Select a "type" and "render style" for your commission. Set a pose and situation if wanted. If not I'll have artist's freedom.
Chibies and emotes as stickers are only in digital form. No physical product.
More than one character on the same image increases the price, but with only 80% of original price for second character. 70% for third and goes on like that. [Example: 100$ Full-body, (100% cost for first) + 80$ Full-body, (80%, for second)]
If you want me to create a character for you [CC]. I need you to give me their properties, look, and everything else desired. If something is not set, I'll have artist's freedom. Anything can be altered during the sketch phase. CC comes with extra cost on top of price, depending on complexity.
I will show you the sketch of the commission and will proceed after it was green lighted. Until this point you can request alterings, changes and add ins. After completion, changes might cost a small price.
If you fail to stay in contact, the commission will be dropped. And you can only request a refund, before sketch has been presented.
I'll have permission to post the done artwork on my socials. Unless there's a reason/request not to.
If you use the character that I created, vtuber model or other in a commercial setting, you must credit me. And even if used on individual level I'll appreciate it.
If the commission in question is a "moe-fication" of a combat vehicle. And it was a character created by me. Ofc the char itself is yours to do whatever you want with it. But I reserve the right to use them in any of my media, content, videos, stories, world building. Look at the web series "Donnerstadt"

Style / Render

Smooth Render



Art type

Half-body / T-U.
Profile / Icon
Chibi / Sticker
Emote / Sticker







Additional charges for:

On top of base price

-Complex/detailed background +20-XX$
-Character creation [CC] +15-50$
-NSFW, Involving intercourse +35$
-NSFW, Involving genitals +20$
-Partial Nudity +10$

Vtuber Model

Art and rigging.

TypeStarting Price

The starting price can rise a lot depending on complexity, number of toggles, outfits, extra features, etc. After everything is stated by you and specified. I will evaluate and we can agree on a final price. You can request changes in art before it gets exported into Live2D (rigging phase). After that bigger changes might cost a small fee.You can come back to me for minor fixes or adjustment anytime for free.If you want to add something new to a already existing model (that I made for you). Just talk to me and we figure it out. And the price.
Example: wanting to add a whole new toggle, like holding something in your hand.

How to order?

Just talk to me.

1. Contact me through Twitter or Discord or E-mail.
2. Tell me the character. What "type" and "look" you want.
3. Tell me if it would involve NSFW, nude, CC, or detailed BG.
4. Send references if needed or when I request.
5. Set the pose or situation. If not, artist's freedom apply.
6. [Optional] If it's a "CC" then tell me about it in detail, like properties, look and personality. If not i'll fill the gaps.
7. Agree on the price and PayPal it to me. Either all in front or split.
8. If there's anything else to add, change, alter you can request them in the sketch phase.
9. I will show you the sketch(es), if green lit I'll continue working on it.
10. After a few days, I send you the finished product(s). On Twitter or Discord or E-mail, or other.

Anna / StuH 42 G

Intro Story

Eisenhase Akademie - Student Dorm – FridayAlarms beeping for a while now. Anna snoozing peacefully while slowly rolling out of bed. Shaken awake by the fall. Scratching her head in slight pain and immediately looking at the loud clock. Jumping up and shutting it up. Then tidying up the bed quickly. As the bed were set, she stripped of her pajamas, folding them on it. After a quick shower and fixing her hair, getting dressed. She bursts through the door and down the halls. Stopping by the canteen for a sandwich, eating it on the run. She even fell once.Out of breath she stops for a bit at the entrance of the school. As she’s tried to catch her breath someone approached from behind and patted her back. Looking up she met a familiar but cold face. Her sister StuG III G, Edelweiss. „You’re still out of shape.” –said the younger sister, she was a lot slimmer and a bit taller than Anna. „Working on it!” –she said with a smile between two breaths. „I know.” –with a emotionless face while stepping next to her. Recovered, they enter the building together.After classes her immediate destination was the club room, which is the household classroom. As a member of the Cooking club she usually partakes in the cooking of many dishes and baking sweets. With great vigor she strives to be better at them. Like most of the time, she brought her own ingredients. That she foraged herself in the Forest District with the help of KV-2, Misha.
With everything prepared, the process can begin. The water set to boil, chopping up the greens and dicing the meat. The inexperienced understandably might think that making a soup is just throwing together everything you can find and leave it be for hours. But a good soup requires more. This is something that Anna knows to, and work in order to draw out the best of every dish.
Not soon after. The dish is ready to be served. The dish she made was her own specialty, Bush Soup. Named after the very thing that aids her in the battles. Each member got their bowls filled, and it was time to dig in.
All of them expressed their positive reactions in many ways, even though this is not their first time tasting it. But it is just that good. Even if she doesn't realised it.
The club hours were over, cleaning was done. The rest of the day is hers.
She wonders what she should do today. Go to the Armati’cade? She likes to have fun playing some of the machines. Maybe to the Desert Fox Library? -she always finds something good to read. Then another idea struck her head, she decided on this one. "Well, I should stop by at Burg O' Phast. And I should bring something tasty for her too." -she thought to herself while walking.
Arrived to the place she got in and sits down. The place was clean and pretty, even though it’s just a regular fast food place. A lot of already enjoying their meal. She looks around and spots the person she was wary about. The person in question was KV-1, Masha. Whom works at the place as a part-time waitress. They do get along usually but Masha has an unexplainable attitude towards her. She noticed her as well. Her friendly face talking to a customer from previously changed into a cold one as she walked up to her. She approached her table. „What do you want?” –Masha asked with zero respect in her tone. Anna with a smile on her face, pointed on the menu. „The usual, huh? Make sure to work it down.” –she said while turning around and leaving. „Why is she like that?” She always been wondering why she acts in this way. Before, they used to have good chats and such. But it changed a while ago. „Now that I think about it was around the time when I reunited with Misha.” –she mumbled out loud. „That was a really scary day.” She frowned as she thought back on the happenings on that day. Masha returned with a glass of water. „Your order soon will be done.” As she was putting it down the glass slipped and everything poured out at Anna’s chest. „Oh.” –was the only sound that KV-1 made. She was actually surprised. „Damn it” –she reached out to wipe it with a towel. StuH stood up. „There’s no problem.” –gesturing with her hands as well. Storming out into the bath room. Masha just sighed and started wiping the table. In bathroom stall she changed into her PE attire. Shorts and a barely fitting tank top. This showed even more skin than her armtagio outfit. She put her clothing into her bag. Leaving the stall she stood in the front the large mirror „It didn’t seem intentional.” she thought to herself while looking into at herself.
On the way back to her table she saw Masha getting lectured by the head waitress. She sat down and soon after her food arrived. A burger with fries. She thanked, but Masha remained silent and went back to taking up orders from other customers.
Now with a filled stomach she was set on her original destination. After a long walk she finally arrived. It was a two story building with big panorama windows on the ground floor. Inside you could see many exercise machines, dumbbells, treadmills. It was the Vorosilov Gym.
She went through the reception and right into the area. She was looking around worried to find someone. A big shadow projected onto her. She looked up to where the face should be. The person straightened, allowing the light to show their identity. „Yo!” –said the tall person with a huge smile. „Misha! I was hoping that you’ll be here today!” -she said relieved. She laughed and kneeled down next to her. Grabbing onto her shoulders. „Are you ready for today’s exercise?” Her arms were big an muscular, just as her whole body. She was two head taller. Short reddish purple hair. Always wore a tight tank top and brown military pants. Her abs and other muscles visible at all times. On her left upper arm, five claw mark scars. Looking at the scar a bad feeling got over her for a moment but it was interrupted. „Hm?” –she shook her a bit. „O-of course!” –yelled and raised her arms into the air in excitement. Misha stood up and they went right for the first exercise.
After a while, in the middle of doing squats next to each other. „Huh?! She did something like that again? I swear I’ll beat some sense into her!” –Misha said angrily while doing the same exercise, but much faster. „No, no! No need for anything like that!” –she said while struggling, between breaths. „You are too kind to her!” –she looked at her.
Anna layed down on her back, sweaty and out of breath. „You want me to be mean to your sister?” –said jokingly and turned her head towards her. Misha sat down, then layed down as well. „Hah, of course not! I just wish to know why she's like that towards you.” –she said loudly, crossing her arms. Anna turned her head toward the ceiling. „No point in that, she never did any harm. And there must be a reason why she acts this way. I just don’t know what.” -she explained. „She’s a sweet girl. - And maybe too much protective.” -turned over to Anna, onto her side. „I know that you are patient and reasonable. I do love that about you, but still, you should be standing up to people more, and address them.” –she sat up right after. „You might be right in that sense, but in her case I don’t feel any true ill will behind her actions. Something else instead, although I can’t pin point it.” –said while looking at her hands above, covering the lights. - She slowly sat up and turned towards Misha. „Want to go to the arcade after this?” Anna asked. The other girl stood up and did some light arm and leg exercises. „Very - much!” -She said.
In the Armati’cade arcade Anna was playing and winning on some machines. She was a pretty average player when it comes to games. On the other hand KV-2 was struggling a lot and getting annoyed by the minute. She turned away from the machine, arms crossed, teeth grinding. Anna left her machine and stepped next to her. Getting in front of the machine. Misha sighed. She was standing above her from behind, looking at the screen. She put her head on the top of hers, resting. „You do that with this button! And that with this stick! Like this.” –she explained more and more. The big enthusiasm was stopped by a big rub on the top of her head. „Hey!” -She stepped to the side looking up and covering her head. Misha just laughed and grabbed the control stick and placed her hand on the buttons. „Thanks for the lesson teach’!” –she started playing the game. Anna lowered her hands and pressed to her side to see. She was doing a lot better.
After a few minutes she actually beat the level. „Yes!” –she straightened and raised her arms in victory. Anna was clapping next to her. Misha turned towards her, bending down and grinning.
They continued to have as much fun as they could. Spending a few hours there.
There was even a moment when two dudes asked out Anna for a drink but Misha scared them away.
They arrived at the Inn. This establishment was the famous Rest’Ornat. A beautiful place where you can eat, drink and also enjoy the comfiest beds in the city if you do decide on staying for the night. They were enjoying their meal after this tiring day. They also drank some. Anna only got some juice for herself, but Misha bought some beverage. She had strong resistance and also a passion for stuff like that. They drank their own choice of drinks while talking about a lot of things.Later on the way to Anna's dorm. Walking down on the side walk next to a busy road. "Today was great! I wish we had more outgoing time though." -said Anna walking next to Misha. "Then we could hang out more." -she agreed. She took a few rapid steps forward and got in front of Anna, continuing to walk but backwards. "I guess we only see each other during the next battle simulation." -she sounded a bit sad. Anna looked a bit too. "Yeah. - But be prepared, you might get a 7,5 to your head!" -said confidently. "Hope so" -she said with a smile.

Misha / KV-2

Intro Story

Donner Arena – IBA vs AAFA - Battle Simulation #417KV-2 or Misha, was running through a field closing the distance to her enemies alone. Dodging shells left and right. She got on her knees and aimed her 152 mm cannon at her target, Pz.IV. H. Her enemy aimed for her as well. Both stood still for the shot. After some tense moments, both of them fired. Pz’s shell was faster. Just before it would have hit KV-2, someone jumped in front of her. A huge shield deflected the shell. „Sister!” –it was KV-1, Masha. On the other hand. Pz tried to dodge the big shell but failed and got smacked directly, getting her out of the match. Masha collapsed onto her knees. She was covered with bruises and seemed heavily exhausted. Misha extended her hand to her. "Thanks for the save sis. But, you should leave the sim now. You did plenty enough." Masha looked up. „I can still-" she tried to stand up on her own but immediately collapsed. She caught her. "Masha! *Don't overwork yourself!" She turned her sister to face her "Go rest, and I see you after we win this!" her shield disintegrated into the air. Misha stood up. Masha sighed. "Take care. - Command KV-1 out!" -shortly after she disappeared.
Right after her sister's departure a shot went past her. Rapidly turning into the direction. She couldn’t spot where the shot came from. A thick forest was in front of her and a field around her. Then a shell got her in the back from the opposite direction, but it ricochet off. She turned towards it, cannon forward. It was Pz.III. L and Pz.II. C engaging her from some ruins. She was only half way past her long reload time. Started advancing and dodging in order to avoid shots. A few moments later a big explosion burst up into the sky where the enemy was firing from. Misha stopped in her tracks. Her earpiece radio fizzled. „Got you big bear.” –said a familiar voice. „Gvozdika! Ha ha! You sent them flying!” –she laughed.
In the same moment shell hit her on the right arm, injuring her. The smoke engulfed her for a moment. „Ah, right!” –yelled and turned. She started running towards the forest where the shot came from. She got hit in her advance. Right arm again. Her grasp on her cannon loosened, having to switch to her less accurate left hand. Another shot came from the forest, but from a different direction. „Is it another one or the same?” –she thought for herself while dodge rolling. She got to the edge of the forest but she go hit in the left leg. But now she saw the exact location of the fire. Taking aim she sent a high-explosive shell right at it. She only heard a yell, in a familiar voice. Advancing to the impact place, she found a bit burned culprit lying on the ground. "Anna, milyy! I had a gut feeling it was you!" -she said laughingly while getting down next to her. She coughed. "Almost got you this time." -she turned her head to Misha, one eye shut. "Yeah, you did a number on me, barely able to move my right arm." -she said smirkingly. Anna gave a short smile and then "I hope it doesn't hurt much." -she said with a worrying tone and face. "Hah. Don't worry about me, you just took a 152 HE shell directly!" -Anna let out a laugh. Her armament disintegrated. "You did great milyy. Next time you might get me!" -she grinned. Anna's expression turned confident. "I will, - be alert of every bush." -she said with a smug-ish face. She put her hand on her earpiece. "Command, StuH 42 G out!" Spreading out on the ground. "Meet at Burg o' Phast?" -asked Misha. While disappearing: "Yeah." looking at her with a smile.
She sat down and took a long breath. "Thank you for waiting on us to finish." -she turned her head slightly. Behind her a figure emerged. A 75 mm pointing at Misha. She stood up and faced the enemy. "Edelweiss." she finished her sentence. She wore a slim all white combat uniform with a white hard cap. "Would not barge into a situation like this between my sister and her friend." -she said with a slow and emotionless voice. She stopped in front of Misha, still aiming at her head. "Surrender and leave the battle!" -she ordered. Misha tightened her grip on her weapon, and "You should know me." -then she raised her cannon and everything went black.
Misha was walking down on her usual trail in the Forest District when she heared a scream and a thud. Turning towards it. Right after she heared a loud roar, which sent shivers down her spine. "A bear!" -she yelled out loud, and ran towards it.
Upon arriving on the scene, she saw a blonde girl leaning on a tree at the base of it. Blood dripping down across her face. Appearing motionless. Her vision blurred a bit and she saw a different person in the injured girl's place. A very dear, long gone person. But only for a brief moment. A loud roar shook her to her senses. The bear was in front of the girl, slowly closing in. Misha conjured her cannon and aimed at the bear. Hesitating for a bit. Lowering it immediately and charging at it. Her yelling and loud approach gained the attention of the bear. Which was three times bigger than an average man. She charged at it slinging her huge cannon, hitting it on the face. This caused the bear to fall on his side. But in the process did not got away without a scratch. Blood flow down her left arm. Five long claw marks revealed her flesh. She didn't even notice it in her adrenalin induced state. She continued to yell at the bear as loud as she can, while waving her arms. The bear after it recovered from the ground with a bloody muzzle, backed off. Roaring once more before turning around and bolting away.
Misha, breathing heavily, lowering her already disintegrating weapon, slowly started to feel. The wide wound that she gained. Unconsciously placing her hand on it and letting out a sound of pain. She turned around towards the girl. She got on her knees in front of her "Are you awake?" Grabbing her on the shoulders first, shaking. She lifted her head to see her face. She froze a bit. "It's her."
She tore the lower right part of her pants, using it as bandage on the girl's head. After wrapping her up, she felt light headed and almost collapsed. She tore the left part of her pants now. Covering her own wound with it. Feeling drain and exhausted. She got up and picked up the girl onto her back who were a lot shorter compared to her. Slowly carrying her and herself off the scene.
Going down on a popular trail route, She still carried the girl. Struggling more and more with each passing minute. The girl on her back slowly gained back her consciousness. She muttered something unintelligible. "I didn't expect to meet you again in a situation like this!" -she said stopping here and there. The girl was confused for a moment. "Misha?" -said quietly. She turned her head to the side and gave a reassuring grin. Right after that her legs got shake and collapsed.
She woke up in the Arena's east nursing room. "Why did I just remember that?" rubbing her head.
On another day.
Misha was sitting at a desk with Anna in front of her at the library. The Desert Fox Library to be more specific. Misha’s head was smoking. She put her head on her arms on the table. „I'll never be able to understand this!” –with a heavy sigh. Anna put down her book on the table. "Now that you tried by yourself, may I help step by step?" -she stood up. Misha rolled her head side ways away from her. "Wish you didn't had to." -she sounded bummed. "Look, there's no shame in this. Some people are better in something and in some less." -she said while taking a seat next to her. "Like your contagious battle spirit, pulling your comrades with you and after you. Not many people are like that." -she pulled Misha's book between them. "Heh, thanks." - she mumbled into her arms. She raised her head and took a deep breath. "Okay, let's do this! Show me!"
A dozen minutes later
„Ahh!” –Misha liquefied onto the desk. „Girl! Somehow you actually managed to get this through my head! You should be a teacher or something.” –she said it muffled into the desk. „Ha ha, I wouldn’t be suit for one.” –she laughed as she got back to her own seat. „I’ll be finishing this book and we can do something fun after this.” –She opened it. She looked up. „Wadaya reading?” –her sight was a bit blurred momentarily. „Kitchen Master Vol.9. Just another book about cooking.” –she explained while flipping some pages. „You really do love cooking. And you always make such great dishes.” –she said while fantasizing about it and drooling a bit. Anna raised an eyebrow and smiled. „I'm not as great as you make me sound like." -she said with an unsure face. "You just don't want to admit it." -Misha pointed a finger at her. Anna smiled a bit. "Well, you worked hard today. How about we visit the Rest’Orant? They do let me use their equipment. I’ll make your favourite.” –said smirkingly. Misha hit the table as she stood up in excitement. „Yes! Do that!” –she yelled. „SHHSH!” –a sharp noise came from behind her. She looked that way. An angry Pz.III. J, Friedricha. „Please refrain from exaggerated vocal expression!” –then she turned and disappearing between bookshelf rows. "Wha-" -said Misha confused. Anna giggled. She shrugged, then going around the table and sitting next to her. One arm on the table and turning slightly towards her. Anna put the book between themselves. Reading for a while.
"It's still amazing that you can cook like you do. - Ha, if you were to see my first attempt at cooking. It turned out disastrous!" -they were looking at each other. "You should have seen Da- ... 's face." -she looked down and then away from her. Anna's face filled with worry. She placed her hand on her back. "Yea-yea. I know. - I know." -said Misha with a teary voice. She took a deep breath, raised her hand to wipe her face. She turned towards Anna with a forced smile. "It's alright. Sorry for ruining the mood." - she stood up. Anna retracted her hand. "It's not-" "Shall we go? I can't wait for your cooking." -she cut in. Anna looked away for a slit second and then up to her. "Yeah, let us go." -she closed the book.
After a good cooking, and hanging out at the arcade. Misha escorted Anna back to the IBA dorms. She waved at her as she disappeared behind the door. Misha lowered her hand. Putting them into her pants' pockets. "I walked myself into that one today. - Hope I didn't ruin her day." -she turned around and begun walking home.
Arriving to their dorm room and getting inside. The room was dimly lit by a sole fish tank. Without turning on the lights she took a few steps inside. She turned towards the wall, raised her hand. Clenching her fist, punching the wall once. Leaning to the wall, looking down. Tears running down her face.
Masha, bursts into their room, turning the lights on. Taking in the scene for a second. Misha cut her sobbing and turned opposite of her sister. She walked to her and embraced her.

Edelweiss / StuG III G


Back then in their early years in Donnerstadt Edelweiss was a lot more talkative, expressionful person. Much like Anna. But that changed suddenly.She was selected as a leader of a DDD squad, made up of seven Armtagio students, including herself. Tasked with a secure and obtain mission along side a five man squad. To secure supplies from a secluded warehouse that soon would be in the core zone of a disaster that have struck a stationary city in the territory of the Free Republic de Gaul. The supplies being essential for the local population to ensure better chance of survival. They were given a subjugator-class armoured land cruiser. A heavy-duty armoured personnel carrier and transport rover it is. Designed for rough terrain and to withstand severe weather conditions. They were prepared for the seemingly simple but dangerous mission.
Upon arriving to the location. The second squad was sent in before them an hour earlier.
When they arrived at the location too, she tried to contact the second squad leader to signal their arrival. But there was no answer. She gave the order to search their vehicle that was parked close to the warehouse side. She herself went into the building with the rest of the squad. An uneasy feeling came over her as they walked down the corridors and open areas. The place was dimly lit, and the closing disaster were hearable as the weather started to siege the building. They located the designated cargo shortly. It was moved off the shelves, but there was no one in sight. She felt that something was wrong. She called into the radio to inform command. But as she lifted her hand to her earpiece. A loud explosion came from behind them from outside. Turning immediately towards it. A second later a huge metalic clang and scratching shook the whole building. Ordering two to remain with the cargo, she took the rest and rushed to the gates of the building. Scanning the perimeter infront. A painful sounding message came through the radio informing her. That the second squad's vehicle suddenly erupted into a huge explosion, immediately killing those next to it and rolling onto the building's side. Her eyes widened. Not even having time to fully process the information. Two loud bang echoed through the building. That gut feeling was right and it got worse. She called for a sitrep. No one answered. Releasing the button on her earpiece, she grasped her ear in frustration. She knew that this will be dangerous, but they had to go back and check on them. With caution they proceeded.
Back yet again to the room. Pressing onto a wall and peeking into the room. She spotted a horrifing sight. Both of her comrades laying on the ground, big gaping holes in them. A work of armtagio she was sureof it. Gesturing to them that they are no more, And hand signaled for return. Only three of them. Not taking off their eyes from their backs, they arrived at a side entrance at the road side of the building. She opened the door sightly. They were fired upon immediately from the left. A single shell Impacting the side of the door frame. Sending shrapnel, toring their clothes but not their flesh. She signaled for them to stick to the wall and that she goes out alone. Not wanting to risk their safety. She took a deep breath and listened. It was hard due to the weather and the fire cracking close by. But she is not famous for her abilties for nothing. Three targets, she located. She bolted out the doorway, imediately aiming for her first target. The one that shot at them from the forest moments ago. Taking a shot at it while running, annihilating it. Bullets struck her, falling down next to her into the dirt. They did no actual damage. Then a shell was fired at her from the right which she dodged by jumping away and rolling. She stopped on her feet and sent a shell flying at the sender's location. The third was hearably relocating while this went down. She waited until it stopped. Bang, and silence. She stood up. Her ears pricked up. Suddenly turning towards her comrades. "Behind you" -she shouted as she fired past them missing the very thing that she sensed. Her comrades turned towards the threat as well after a short confusion. Opening fire on it. it pounced at the first, grabbing her by her head and smashing it into the wall. Frantically hobbling her arms and legs as her head was buried into the wall. Going limp soon after. The other screamed and fired at the attacker point blank as she walked backwards. Edelweiss ran towards her. In that moment the attacker grabbed the girl, forcing to drop her weapon. Chokeholding her with one arm and pointing her handcannon at her head. A tall women in brown-ish green uniform. Her comrade was tearing up and trembling. Just as her hands, pointing at the enemy. The woman lifted the girl infront of her in a split second. Showing her it would take nothing to do the same, if she were to open fire. She ordered her to unsummon her weapon. With racing thoughts and nothing in mind to solve the situation, she did just that. The women laughed, then said "I actually don't care." and blew a hole into the girl's head, exiting through her eye. Edelweiss fell to her knees stunned, frozen up. She threw the body to the side and started walking towards her. Seeing her closing in Edelweiss crawled backwards on the dirt road. Shaking her head left and right. She unconsciously tried to conjure her weapon but the woman leapt at her stepping on her chest. She spread onto the ground. Once again she raised her hand but the woman grabbed it and twisted it, dislocating her left shoulder. Edelweiss yelled in pain. The woman spoke "Unfortunately for you, I was given order to let the last one to go." She pulled her up to her face by her jacket. "And you did great job of my men too." After this she threw her far, close to their still intact APCT. As she struggelingly sat up. "Run little kitten! Tell them what you saw. Tell them this is a war!" Her first try to stand up failed, but she got up on the second. Getting to the vehicle's large door. Glancing back, the woman was nowhere to be found. She opened the door. Inside was their driver, laying next to the radio, face down, motionless in a pool of blood. She looked at her for a hot second and sat into the driver's seat. Starting the vehicle and turning, and driving away. In a daze, with seemingly dead eyes.
As she pulled into their outpost, she collapsed on the dashboard.This encounter was one of the first time that Donnerstadt experienced a hostile and actively malicious third party.After this incident she changed a lot, losing her oldself. Turning into a very serious, cautious and seemingly cold person. Her sister did her best to aid through her these times.